Two-page meeting minutes and agenda with logo and organization information. Features review of previous meetings, action items, reports from committee members, support line items, and items to discuss at the next meeting in bulleted sections on two pages.
This is an agenda template for a club, association or society meeting. Should work wothout too much fuss.
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- Agenda Templates [Mac Pages], Apple Pages Template
- Version
- File Size 0.00 KB
- Download 10207
This was the exact one I wanted. but I was confused as to how to download it and it seemed like you were giving me a pdf software to download with it. I didn’t need that. Therefore, I could not download this document.
Hi Dr. Richardson,
I too had the same issue at first. I was able to download only the template by clicking on the hyperlink titled “version 1” that appears at the bottom right of the gray and white table that lists File Name, Downloads, File Size, and Download.
I hope that helps. Have a great day!